Reusable products are environmentally friendly and means less waste.
Bring your own reusable shopping bag.
Carry a reusable water bottle.
Bring your own cup.
Pack your lunch in a reusable container.
Say no to disposable straws and cutlery.
Skip the single-use plastic produce bag.
Slow down and dine in.
Store leftovers in glass jars.
Share these tips with your friends.
Halve Waste was founded by Albury City Council, City of Wodonga, Federation Council and the Shires of Greater Hume and Indigo.
The Halve Waste program implements local solutions to reduce all wastes to landfill by 80% by 2030, which aligns with the State Government targets.
As a region, we all support the goals of Halve Waste and collaborate to achieve these goals.
You can view the full list of councils who are part of the Halve Waste initiative here.
© 2024 Halve Waste | Privacy Policy | Website by co.gency
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