Soft Plastic Recycling
AlburyCity, Alpine Shire, Indigo Shire and City of Wodonga are excited to participate in an expansion of the kerbside soft plastics recycling program
AlburyCity, Alpine Shire, Indigo Shire and City of Wodonga are excited to participate in an expansion of the kerbside soft plastics recycling program
Making the big difference Halve Waste and the 3 bin system have been working really well in our communities. We’re wrapped to be sharing our handy tips, but it’s you guys, the community getting behind it that is making the
Gift wrapping doesn’t have to be boring, here are a few tips to consider on how to make your gifts more thoughtful and interesting.
When we recycle we keep valuable materials in the supply chain – but what does your recycling become?
Reform3D has been operating for 3 years and has been important in diverting plastic materials from the Albury landfill.
The Albury Resource Recovery and Halve Waste team’s hosted over 30 delegates from Pacific, Indian and Caribbean Ocean Island nations in early September and toured the Albury Waste Management Centre.
Red Bantam is a leading taskforce that provides people with a disability with employment preparation including skills in a real-life workplace, as well as supported employment.
Border Just Foods started as a Co-Op back in 1988 and has now been owned and run as a family business for over 30 years. They were happy to talk to Halve Waste about how their business helps to reduce waste.
Deanne, Michael and Jim were happy to talk to Halve Waste about their business and what the local community can do to help.
Glass can be recycled many times over without it degrading, so this infinite usage means that no further raw materials are needed
At Halve Waste, we want to spotlight and support individuals, groups and businesses that are “doing good” and helping us to reach our target of reducing our waste
AlburyCity, Alpine Shire, Indigo Shire and City of Wodonga are excited to participate in an expansion of the kerbside soft plastics recycling program
Halve Waste was founded by Albury City Council, City of Wodonga, Federation Council and the Shires of Greater Hume and Indigo.
The Halve Waste program implements local solutions to reduce all wastes to landfill by 80% by 2030, which aligns with the State Government targets.
As a region, we all support the goals of Halve Waste and collaborate to achieve these goals.
You can view the full list of councils who are part of the Halve Waste initiative here.
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