YES these items can go in the yellow-lidded bin.
NO these items can’t go in the yellow-lidded bin.

Please empty items, remove food and liquids and add them loose (not bagged) to your recycling bin.

Recycling can prevent the waste of useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution and water pollution.


quick tips

A-Z of what belongs in recycling

What does my recycling become?

HOw to recycle More

Quick Tips

  • Never put your recycling in plastic bags. Place recyclables, loose, into your yellow-lidded recycling bin.
  • Make sure recyclable items are not heavily contaminated with food, liquids or hazardous materials. Take the time to separate food from containers and place them into the correct bins.  
  • Fold & squash your recyclables to fit more in your bin.
  • Items such as unwanted clothing, unwanted household goods, appliances and electronics can all be recycled at your local recycling centre/transfer station.

Yes, these are Recyclable!

A – C

  • Aerosol cans (empty)
  • Aluminium cans
  • Aluminium cooking trays
  • Aluminium foil lined juice cartons
  • Aluminium foil (scrunched)
  • Beer bottles
  • Books
  • Bottles, glass
  • Bottles, plastic
  • Bottletops (need to be placed in another metal container)
  • Cardboard (not waxed or soiled)
  • Cards
  • Cereal boxes
  • Clean paper
  • Computer paper*

D – H

  • Deodorant cans (empty)
  • Detergent bottles
  • Detergent boxes
  • Drink cans
  • Egg cartons
  • Envelopes/window envelopes
  • Foil (clean)
  • Food cans
  • Glass Bottles
  • Glass jars
  • Hard plastics
  • Household cleaning product bottles (empty)

I – O

  • Jar lids
  • Junk mail
  • Letters
  • Magazines
  • Meat trays, hard plastic (not foam)
  • Milk bottle lids (if placed inside plastic milk bottle)
  • Milk cartons
  • Newspaper
  • Notepads
  • Office paper*

P – Z

  • Pet food tins
  • Phone book
  • Plant pots (plastic)
  • Plastic plates and cutlery
  • Plastic food containers (eg. ice cream, margarine, yoghurt)
  • Plastic milk cartons
  • Hard plastics (no soft plastic wrap)
  • Shampoo bottles
  • Takeaway coffee lids (plastic)
  • Takeaway containers, plastic
  • Tetra paks
  • Wine bottles
  • Wine cask box
  • Wrapping paper

*Shredded paper is to be placed in the green-lidded organics bin

What Does My Recycling Become?

Aluminium & Steel Cans 
Aluminium and steel cans can be recycled repeatedly. Recycling aluminium and steel cans uses a fraction of the energy that it takes to make new cans from scratch. Recycled aluminium and steel cans are used in everything from CDs to aircraft parts.  

Glass Bottles and Containers 
Locally, our glass is crushed and used as a sand substitute in asphalt and concrete, as well as pipe embedment.  

In other areas glass is recycled repeatedly to make new glass containers and even into fibreglass insulation and reflective road signage.

Paper and Cardboard 
Paper and cardboard are shredded and mixed with water at high speed to create paper fibres. The pulp is passed through cleaning and screening equipment to remove labels, plastic, dirt and staples and then heated to remove ink & glue. The cleaned pulp is then turned into new paper and cardboard products such as boxes, egg cartons and much more.

Hard Plastics 
Rigid hard plastics are chipped into tiny little beads and then melted down to make new items. Depending on the type of plastic they can be recycled into lots of different items, such as garden rakes, fleece jackets and even recycling bins. 

Reduce and Manage

Recycling is easy! Here are some tips for making the most of your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

Sometimes our home, or more importantly our kitchen, is busier than peak hour traffic in the city. When our extended family joins us for meals, it’s even more chaotic. Most of us love to cook up a storm and get everyone involved, it important to try to slow down and think about where the left over scraps, packaging and glass bottles go. After all, there’s only so much room in the red-lidded general waste bin.

Let’s make things easy for everyone – you save the bin bag and we save time sorting recyclables.
Choose to keep ’em loose!

If Everyone Chips In, It’s Easy To Do Good

When celebrating with family and friends, a few simple tips to keep things in the right bin can help keep us on track to reducing our waste.

Other Options

Look at your local Council’s waste page on their website to see what you can drop off to the local recycling centre or transfer stations for free.

It might be useful to take another look at what can go into your yellow-lidded recycling bin. Many plastic containers can now be recycled, including plastic take-away containers.

If you can’t easily scrunch the plastic in your hand, then it is able to be recycled. 

Food for thought

Research shows approximately 75% of the material in the red-lidded general waste bin is organic or recyclable waste.

Removing food & garden organics and recycling from your red-lidded general waste bin will create extra room.

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