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Not in Any Bin Please don’t bin them. Bring them to your local recycling centre Keep our garbage truck drivers and sorters safe Batteries of any shape and size are considered problem waste and they cannot go into any of … FIND OUT MORE

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Not in Any Bin

Gas bottles, cylinders and butane cannisters are considered problem waste and they cannot go into any of your kerbside bins. FIND OUT MORE

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3 Bins

Halve Waste and the 3 bin system have been working really well in our communities. We’re wrapped to be sharing our handy tips, but it’s you guys, the community getting behind it that is making the big difference FIND OUT MORE

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Reducing the waste that goes in our bins and that ends up in landfill can be as simple as ordering your next coffee. It’s a daily fix and we are hooked. On the border over 10,000 takeaway coffee cups are used every single day! FIND OUT MORE

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Closing the loop

Our food scraps and garden material are turned into a valuable resource for our regions’ farmers and gardeners as high quality compost! Before this can happen, there are a few things you might not know that happen along the way! FIND OUT MORE

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Best for Baby and the Environment

Thinking of replacing disposable nappies with cloth nappies? There are a range of environmental, financial and health benefits associated with using reusable nappies. On average, a child will use 6000 disposable nappies before they are toilet trained FIND OUT MORE

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The average woman uses approximately 11,400 disposable products per lifetime. In Australia alone, that’s 18,000 tonnes of sanitary waste goes to landfill every year. Consider Reusable Sanitary Products FIND OUT MORE

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Simple Choices

Reusable products are environmentally friendly and means less waste. Bring your own reusable shopping bag, carry a reusable water bottle, bring your own cup or pack your lunch in a reusable container FIND OUT MORE

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Don’t waste it

Keeping food waste out of our red-lidded general waste bin can make a big difference. It’s the little things that make the biggest difference, something as simple as emptying spoiled food from its container FIND OUT MORE

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Hard and Soft Plastics

The trick to recycling right is knowing the difference between hard and soft plastics. It’s important to know that hard plastics go into your yellow-lidded recycling bin and soft plastics go FIND OUT MORE

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Reduce Waste and Save

Did you know that the average Australian household throws out between $2,200-$3,800 worth of food each and every year? Creating unnecessary food waste in the kitchen can be avoided, it just takes a little planning FIND OUT MORE

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Unwanted Clothing

Unwanted clothing, what should you do? Australians love buying new clothes and keeping up with the ‘fast fashion’, however the latest trends don’t always last long in your wardrobe FIND OUT MORE

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Wood vs Timber

Wood is direct from the garden and includes sticks, branches and prunings. This can all go into the green lidded organics bin to become compost. Timber is processed wood. It contains chemicals and adhesives that sadly contaminate compost FIND OUT MORE

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Low Waste Lunches. The above image shows just how easy you can be to have a waste free lunch box. Sandwich not wrapped, reusable container, fruit without packaging, reusable containers, yoghurt in container FIND OUT MORE

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Smart Shopping Choices

Limiting what goes in our bins can start before you’ve even left the shops. There are a number of reusable items you can purchase and reuse again and again in order to make your life more sustainable, help preserve energy and reduce waste FIND OUT MORE

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3 Bin System

Halve Waste and the 3 bin system have been working really well in our communities. We’re wrapped to be sharing our handy tips, but it’s you guys, the community getting behind it that is making the big difference FIND OUT MORE

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